Body Remedy Physical Therapy and Wellness, LLC

(985) 276-9553

Expect more!
Locations in Metairie & Covington, LA

PTs do more than exercise...


Well, some do if they have the time and passion!

Two important facts you may not know: One, P.T.s  are trained in and (should ) do a differential diagnosis for each patient. This means the patient usually sees a medical doctor and receives a medical diagnosis then are referred for physical therapy. During the evaluation, the P.T. takes a detailed  medical history and performs a thorough physical exam to either confirm or "challenge" the medical diagnosis. For example, a patient came in to me with complaints of right hip pain after she saw her doctor. Her hip x-ray didn't show anything wrong and she told me he told her it was probably a strain and gave her a prescription for pain medication that she didn't use. During my physical exam I located scar tissue in the appendix region and when I moved it, she told me her hip hurt. She said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you I had my appendix removed two years ago." Surgery leaves scar adhesions and in her case it was aggravating the sensory nerve fibers in her hip causing "pain." After improving the scar adhesions and mobilizing the surrounding organs, her hip pain resolved!          

Second, Louisiana has direct access. 

 Coloradans (specifically) first call after a non-life threatening injury was to the PT clinic.  Strained hamstring playing tennis on Sunday?  Pulled back muscle at work and surfing is their go to sport? They would get in as soon as possible. Their expectations were high so our skills had to match or they would go elsewhere. I liken it to restaurants in our city. We have phenomenal restaurants that have been here for decades and other places that will close if they're just "meh." Right?!






Why Us?





Comparing apples to oranges...or can both work?

I am trained in some of the most innovative & effective methods for pain relief and improving your current function using both allopathic( traditional) and osteopathic medical models to achieve the best results.

"Theoretically, allopathic medicine focuses on alleviating the symptoms of the disease while osteopathic medicine is oriented to treating the (whole) patient not the disease." ( Edwin S. Purcell, PhD professor of both methods).

Institute of Physical Art-(allopathic) a hands on approach to treat dysfunction of  muscles and joints and re-educate the body to work as an integrated system. This re-education piece is a missing element that is vital to improving every day function!

Barral Institute(BI)- follows an osteopathic model of “Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously.”  (Jean-Pierre Barral, PT, DO) The BI model teaches that "only the tissues know" so the practitioner "listens" with their trained hands to the patient's body to guide them to the areas of greatest restriction. While this may seem a bit alternative, it isn't! F


Meet Aimee


I finshed Physical Therapy school at Texas Womans University-Dallas(ranked 13th in the nation at the time) in August 2005 just as Hurricane Karina hit the greater New Orleans area. I made the hard but necessary decision to do travel contracts which fortunately put me on the path to high level training first in traditional, manual(passive) training and ultimately to osteopathic (hands on) training in Hawaii, Atlanta, Raleigh, NC, Vail & Denver, CO, and D.C.  


What Our Clients Say

J. Smith

Phoenix, AZ

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